Advertising the acoustic telemetry network for the angelshark with users from the SAC Costa de Sardina del Norte

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ANGELSHARK TELEMETRY: A research Project from ElasmoCan that studies the behaviour of the angelsharks in the Canary Islands, employing an acoustic telemetry network.

The researchers from ElasmoCan advertised the project “Monitoring network for the angelshark Squatina squatina in the SAC Costa de Sardina del Norte: creating knowledge for its conservation” with users from this Special Area of Conservation. A study developed with the support from the Ministry for Ecologic Transition through the Biodiversity Foundation and Loro Parque Fundación.


In different chats with schoolchildren, dive centers, swimmers, and fishers, the presence and conservation of the angelshark in this SAC was emphasized. Likewise for the need to obtain new knowledge of the species’ behavior in a large area, which was collected via an array of hydrophones that register signals from small transmitters carried by the angelsharks. This method allows continues tracing within the SAC, and is used to determine its importance in the daily life of these sharks.

The interest shown by the different users was encouraging to continue working in this research line.



With the support from:

Biodiversity Foundation from the Ministry for the Ecologic Transition and Demographic Challenge, and Loro Parque Fundacion


Acknowledgement to:

Ministerio para la Transición Ecológico y Reto Demografico (MITERD), Comité Español de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (CeUICN), y Gobierno de Canarias (GobCan))



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