ElasmoCan in IV CCCM

ElasmoCan participated with 2 presentations regarding the angelshark (Squatina squatina) in the scientific congress IV Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Read more in the section Observations by recreational...

Distressing rapid decline of shark species

The relation of shark population declines and the discovery of new species is described by Randhawa et al. 2014 in the paper Increasing rate of species discovery in sharks coincides with sharp population declines: implications for...

The logo from ElasmoCan

Our logo was inspired by the symbolism of the paintings from the prehistoric inhabitants of Gran Canaria and the common angel shark Squatina squatina. Read more in the section Our...

Premiere of the English website from ElasmoCan!!!

By means of this website, other divulgation actions and the exchange of information we want to achieve a better understanding about the role of the rays and sharks (elasmobranchs) in the marine ecosystem, in order to achieve a sustainable use. The ecologic value -and importance of the species outweigh its potential economic value for us. Visit our website....